TOP Research activities Research Systems

Research Systems

KU-ORCAS research units and digital archives

Construction of digital archives in East Asian cultural studies

Texts and cultural contacts between East and West

With the materials belonging to our university at the core, the project will build and use an integrated archive, including materials from major research institutions all over the world. Possessing world-leading materials pertaining to research on cultural contacts between East and West, the project will contribute to the globalization of cross-border knowledge of Asia.

Archives to be built

Networks and the academic lineage of Osaka within East Asia

By clarifying the activities of the Hakuen Shoin, a school that took charge of the education of citizens in the early modern period and in modern times, we will re-evaluate the cultural position of Osaka. Moreover, by building an archive of Osaka painting circles and organizing an exhibition, thanks to the coorperation of the British Museum and the University of London, it will be possible to rediscover the Osaka painting circles, hidden behind the history of Japanese fine arts.

Archives to be built

Space and time of ancient cities and historical landmarks

Following the most recent excavations in Nara prefecture, we want to enhance the achievements of our University, with discoveries as important as the Takamatsu tomb. Thanks to databases for the reconstruction of historical landscapes based on old maps, illustrations and ancient documents owned by our University, we will open the fields of urban landscape studies of the kansai region in the early Modern period and modern times, offering resources to local entities and schools.

Archives to be built